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Equita Lyon: a place for sharing knowledge

22 October 2019

Equita Lyon provides people with a great opportunity to see the world's top riders in action, do some shopping and discover new riding disciplines. However, it is also a place where you can take part in conferences and debates involving the best riders in the world... Focus on the programme of meetings and conferences at the Lyon Horse Show.

Thursday 31 October - 2:00pm - Press room

Le salon du cheval de Lyon est aussi l’occasion pour tous les passionnés de chevaux de parfaire leurs connaissances en droit équin. Une conférence sur les responsabilités liées au transport des chevaux est proposée à Equita Lyon.

Pour garantir son bon déroulement, les places pour assister à cette conférence sont en nombre limité. 

Register for the conference 


Thursday 31 October - 2:30pm in the VIP Village

At this year's Longines Equita Lyon international equestrian competition, Michel Robert and Pénélope Leprevost will be giving a one-and-a-half-hour conference on how to improve a horse's physical and mental potential. This represents a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with two top riders and get their expert advice!

To ensure the conference runs smoothly, a limited number of places are available. 

Register for the conference


Friday 1 November - 10:30am - Equita'Jump Arena

For the second year in a row, Isabell Werth will be sharing her observations on the young horses presented to her at Equita Lyon. As she is presented the horses by riders in the centre of the arena, the legendary dressage champion will analyse and give her comments on how the young dressage horses move and behave. In this way, she will share her experience and knowledge about the discipline of dressage and the qualities horses need in order to help riders train them for the highest level.


Friday 1 November - 2:30pm - Horse-Sale arena

Michel Robert will also be sharing her knowledge with the audience at Equita Lyon. By watching the young horses presented by the SHF (French Riding Association), she will comment on the locomotion and behaviour of each one in order to share her knowledge and observations with as many people as possible. 


From Wednesday 30 October to Sunday 3 November - Health Area

Every day, the experts in the Health Area will be giving conferences on the well-being of horses and riders. To discover all the topics covered and put the conferences that interest you in your diary, please go to


From Wednesday 30 October to Sunday 3 November - Halte Culturelle (Cultural Stop)

Meetings with authors, book-signing sessions, and more. Don't hesitate to visit the Halte Culturelle (Cultural Stop) during your visit to Equita Lyon!

Note: the free tickets that give you access to the Michel Robert and Pénélope Leprevost conference as well as those giving access to the equestrian law conference, do not give you access to the overall show. In addition to your conference tickets, you must present a valid entrance ticket for the Equita show.

For any further information, please contact the Equita team by email at: [email protected]


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